Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block

Karya Ratu Shalina Azzahra (X IPS 2)

Bright blue light emitting straight from the computer to her dark sullen face. There were heavy bags beneath her red tired eyes, yet she was doing practically nothing.

Her fingers resting on the keyboard, staring aimlessly without a goal at her still empty blog screen. She was twisting back and forth in her chair, stressed – she seems troubled about something. Checking her phone once in a while, waiting until inspiration struck her head with the brightest ideas and stories.

However, after thirty minutes with nothing in mind, she starts growing a little anxious.

“I’m sure it will be alright. Soon enough, I will be bursting with witty ideas in no time. So I can finally finish my deadline,” she says to herself while scratching her head multiple times.

Her throat was getting thirsty, so she left the poorly dimmed room to go fetch a glass of warm water, maybe it will help soother her occupied head. While walking down the stairs, she tried her hardest to look around and observe her surroundings, desperate to find inspiration.

Looking at the constantly shaking glass of water that she holds, she paces around the living room. And soon enough, she found herself getting lost in her own spiraling thoughts.

“Oh, what can I write about?” she asked, biting the joint of her thumb. “This is no good. I need to calm down! Worrying will only stifle my creativity even more.”

After a few deep breaths and some frustrated sighs, she decided to go upstairs to her room, almost tripping on her journey back up. Her actions are slowly becoming much more obvious as proof that she was indeed not alright.

She couldn’t sit still, adjusting her chair position every few minutes and getting annoyed at the various objects blocking her hand from moving freely around the cramped desk. She would start complaining about the littlest thing, and whine about how it was her own fault, deciding to do the project this late.

Time was ticking, yet she was still procrastinating – sitting in her own grief and shame that she couldn’t come up with anything. She was so busy wallowing in her own failures, she neglected the now cold glass of water upon her desk.

Her head turned right and left, staring at her room’s empty ceilings and walls. Both of her hands were holding her cheeks to support her heavy head. Now much calmer, she tries to map out the situation she’s currently in to regain more control of her thoughts and actions.

“Come to think of it, I must have looked so dumb and ironic in the perspective of someone else,” she thought, sighing to herself. “How I’m overreacting about this situation is honestly embarrassing. I should’ve known more than to act this immature.”

“It was my own fault that I ended up like this,” she began rambling as she fixed her terrible sitting posture. “I was so busy playing games and watching videos for countless hours without any rest. I’ve been wasting my time, rather than starting on my project! Even if I will have difficulty working on it, I would have had more time.” 

“I was so busy blaming myself, but I was doing nothing about it! This time, no matter what goes in my way, I will start writing no matter what—”

Realization struck her head. “Hey,” she said, eyes widening. “That’s a good writing material!”


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