Sail Away
Penulis: Aldebaran Rahman Aditya (XI MIPA 6)
Ilustrator: Kimiko (X IPS 3)

“We need you, girl
We need you to build us a proper harbour to connect us to the mainland
Please, girl
Do it for Okeaja
You will be showered with glory, honour, and praise!”
“Very well, chief
I will make a harbour
For Okeaja
The island I grew up on; the island I call my home.”
The days passed. The skilled woman analysed the sea, the land, and the materials needed to create this harbour. It was not an easy endeavour. Rough seas and storms are facinorous and merciless. No one on Okeaja dared to sail to the mainland for resources. Ever since the families saw their loved ones drown in hopes of getting to the mainland, no one wanted to face the danger. “Barren land!” the mainlanders would say. They would slander Okeaja for its scarcity but praise it for its foresight on natural anomalies. But everyone knew, including the habitants of Okeaja, that Okeaja depends on the mainland. Without any more initiative from them, they will continue to be dependent on the mainland.
“Amazing, girl
You have created such an amazing harbour.”
“Thank you, chief
But it is not ready yet
Give it more time.”
“Build it faster, girl”
The chief dismissed the skilled woman. She wasn’t sure on what to feel. She proceeded to dismiss her feelings – the same way he dismissed her.
The skilled woman had finished the harbour since a moon ago when the chief gave her an invitation to his villa for a party. She was not sure. She never liked parties. People, as she would say, are worse than individuals. Knowing that declining the invitation would be weird, she went to the party anyway.
“Tonight, we are here to praise Uove! She built the Harbour of Okeaja with her own two hands; wise brain; and skill. Truly, she is a fascinating woman!”
Everyone in the crowd thanked Uove. Smiles and adoration came from everyone. It was nearly overwhelming for her. Keeping her composure, she nodded and smiled. Everyone feasted on a variety of food. Was it delicious? No. It was nothing compared to the food they had on the mainland, but they ate it anyway. Uove just wanted to eat, but she was approached by everyone who adored her. “I wish to just be the same as you!”, “You are a great woman! I hope my daughter grows up to be you”, and “I never knew you were that smart.” were only few of the many kind words she was told for her efforts.
The party died when the moon was at its height. Most of the people in the villa said their goodbyes and left. With a cup in her hand, Uove convinced herself to put the cup on the chief’s table in his kitchen. On the way there, she overheard a conversation.
“So, what do you think of the new harbour?”
“I don’t think it’s any good.”
“I agree. I told you women can’t create big projects.”
“I regret to have let her create the harbour.”
The resplendent smile Uove had on her face quickly vanished. Some might say it was evanescent. She wanted to run away as quick as her smile. Her work dismissed so easily by men who don’t appreciate her. She dropped the cup and ran way from the villa. She didn’t know where she was going. All she knew was that she wanted to run away. Whilst running through the island, she could hear the whispers from the homes of her island. “Rotten fish! Is this what this harbour brings?”, “Rats! Rats! What kind of harbour is this?”, “I will have constant dysania from seeing that harbour.”, and “Banish that woman!” were only a fraction of what she heard. Uove was heartbroken and her soul was burning. It burned with such passion and hate for Okeaja.
Uove ran to the harbour. She picked up a torch and got on a secret boat she’d made. Looking back to the island she grew up on, she sailed away and threw the torch onto the harbour. With that action, she didn’t only burn her work, but the entire island as well.
Panic surged throughout the island. Everyone ran to shore and saw flames engulf the harbour. Nature, vengeful of what the residents of Okeaja did to Uove, blew stubborn winds. Those winds brought fire to the entire island. Every home was burned to the ground. Every person either burned or choked on the hot air. Screams of women and men were so loud and many that they reached a symphony even Uove could hear.
Uove trembled in fear when she saw Nature.
“I’m sorry. I should not have done that.”
“Don’t apologise. They slandered you.”
“Will you bring me to my demise as how you did to Okeaja?”
“No, I’ll keep you safe.”
“Thank you.”
Nature faded away, wrapping herself in mystery. As for Uove, she sailed away with her heart safe from flames.